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Title: A relação das mães com seus filhos e suas filhas adolescentes transgêneros/as
Authors: CASTRO, Aline Lins Pedrosa de
MARANHÃO NETO, Gustavo Roberto de Albuquerque
Keywords: Identidade de gênero
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Transgenderity is a gender identity characterized by non-identification with the imposed gender. The identity crisis of the adolescent added to the conflicts of the transgenderity may result in suffering. This research describes the interaction of mothers with their transgender child, identifies their affective relationships and the challenges of transgenderity. A collective case study was carried out in which transgenerational conflicts common to adolescence were identified as potentialized by transgender identity and non-family acceptance. This acceptance was found in the work of NGO Mães pela Diversidade, that acts as a protection factor for the family.
Description: Projeto de Iniciação Científica (PIC) apresentado à banca avaliadora da XIV Jornada de Iniciação Científica do IMIP/ IX Congresso Estudantil da FPS como resultado do estudo realizado no período de agosto/2017 à agosto/2018. Orientadora: Maria Angélica Bezerra de Oliveira
URI: http://tcc.fps.local:80/handle/fpsrepo/384
Appears in Collections:Psicologia

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