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Título: Avaliação da adesão a dietas da moda por indivíduos fisicamente ativos em duas academias do Recife-PE.
Autor(es): SAMPAIO, Júlia Cartaxo
NUNES, Marina Cortez
Palavras-chave: Dietas da moda
Modismos alimentares
Tendências na alimentação
Comidas da moda.
Data do documento: 2017
Resumo: This academic work has the objective to analyze the adherence to latest diet trends (low carb, gluten free, lactose free, hyperproteic and shake base) by the exercise practitioners of two different gym academies at Recife’s Metropolitan Area. A questionary survey directd to those exercise practitioners was applied to gather knowledge on the adherence of those diet trends without specialists recommendations. Also, some factors will be considered, such as the candidate’s socioeconomic profile, if he or she had any support from a doctor or a dietician to start the diet and noticed symptoms during the period. Among the interviewees, 41.52% (49) stated that they made fad diets, with the female sex prevailing with 57.14% (28) women. The Low Carb diet was the most adopetd 4 by the participants (67.34%), followed by the lactose free diet (22.44%). The symptoms reported were 22.44% weakness and 30.61% irritability. It was still observed that 38.77% (19) had no indication of health professional to perform the diet.The results obtained in the study, we conclude the prevalence of the adherence of the fad diets by the female sex. One of the worrisome points that has been observed is that the diets described are often not prescribed by nutritionists, but adapted from other people's models or taken from magazines and / or social networks.
Descrição: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado como requisito obrigatório para obtenção do grau de graduação em nutrição da Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde, sob a orientação da Msc. Fabrícia Padilha.
URI: http://tcc.fps.local:80/handle/fpsrepo/374
Aparece nas coleções:Nutrição

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